Next next and next to it

Happy birthday Dinda, our Barbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ms. Gossip celebrated her birthday, She was so cute at the party, I think I wanna buy her and take her home now!!! Tepat sehabis uas, si makhluk ini membuat acara ulangtahun. Awesome sooo. 
Wishing her for;

  1. Still be our source of hot gossip and updates
  2. Mampu menurunkan kadar hormon kekepoan dalam lubuk hati
  3. Traktir dua kali
  5. Good result score in school
  6. Solehah-girl
  7. Stay nunung :/ :/ :/

//Cherrybelles' shot, we are beautiful//

//Millia-Siti-Widianto-Evan. Happy four friends, looks like kepompong :D//

//with @widikidiw, yak bapak KM yang sangat gandeng+garing! lengkap banget dah. i call him daddy//

Satu lagi, mau nyeritain sebuah carita pondok (ea Pak Dadan's) yang dialami hari ini. Jadi tadi kayak ngumpul sama murid-murid terpelajar se Kota Bandung, terus tuker nomor handphone........terus apa yang terjadi??? Beberapa garis tulisan masuk ke kotak pesan dengan bingkaian kata yang super gewlz dan penuh tanda koma titik tanda seru kayak gado-gado dijamin semua simbol yang ada di microsoft word komputer lo masuk ke dalam sms. But the positive part is i got a new friend from other school! yiha finally!! ya walaupun harus mengucapkan kata walaupun, yaaa its okela~

//dont u?, but i think december is almost die//

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